Dr. John R. Fanchi, author and professor at TCU.

Dr. John Fanchi

Fanchi Enterprises was founded by Dr. John Fanchi and his wife Kathy Fanchi to produce intellectually compelling and educational texts.

Dr. John R. Fanchi, author and professor at TCU.

Dr. John

Fanchi Enterprises was founded by Dr. John Fanchi and his wife Kathy Fanchi to produce intellectually compelling and educational texts.

About John Fanchi

John R. Fanchi has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Houston and is the author of a variety of books in the areas of physics, earth science, mathematics, and engineering. He was co-founder and first President of the International Association for Relativistic Dynamics. He has worked in the energy industry, and has taught courses in energy, engineering, and physics at Texas Christian University (TCU), Colorado School of Mines (CSM), and the University of Tulsa.

John is a writer and educator. He worked as a reservoir management expert in North Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, and elsewhere; employed by Marathon Oil Company, Cities Service, and Getty Oil, Inc. in technology centers; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, professor of petroleum engineering; technology consultant; Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, professor of engineering and energy. John was the principal creator, U.S. Department of Energy BOAST and BOAST II simulators; designer of computer software. John was also vice president of board of trustees, Littleton (CO) Public Schools, 1993-95.

His books include Parametrized Relativistic Quantum Theory (1993, Kluwer), Shared Earth Modeling (2002, Butterworth-Heinemann), Energy: Technology and Directions for the Future (2004, Elsevier Academic), Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers (2006, 3rd edition), Energy in the 21st Century (5th edition, 2023, World Scientific), Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation (2018, 4th edition, Elsevier), The Goldilocks Policy: The Basis for a Grand Energy Bargain (2019, World Scientific), Reason, Faith, and Purpose: The Ultimate Gamble (2021, World Scientific), and The Energy Transition and the Struggle for Global Governance (2024, World Scientific)

John once spoke with Contemporary Authors and shared his passion for authorship:

The books I have written appear to be quite diverse, yet they are in fact part of my effort to understand the reality of nature. I have sought truth in every realm that I have encountered, ranging from academia to industry to public service. This search, which often feels like a Quixotic quest, has become a lifelong endeavor.
I have found that truth is a precious commodity that many believe should be hoarded or distorted for personal gain. Publishing is a means of disseminating a perspective that can help others in their search for understanding in a complex world. The beauty of publishing is the opportunity it gives me to communicate the lessons I have learned during my quest.
Authorship can provide tangible rewards, but I have found the intangible rewards to be much more rewarding. I have been able to communicate with others in both space and time. Authorship is like teaching: you can touch the future.
My work is not yet done. More than twenty years ago I wrote a manuscript about a search for truth that predated the explosion of titles on the subject of universal creation and the evolution of life. I was in my early twenties and an unwelcome challenger of the status quo. Today, publishing gives me an opportunity to participate in the debate.
The issues that appeal to me are contentious, but they are also the issues in life that matter. My publications represent my engagement in activities that are important and intellectually stimulating. They embody my effort to contribute to humanity's store of knowledge for the good of future generations.

Books by Fanchi Enterprises

Reason, Faith, and Purpose: The Ultimate Gamble by John R. Fanchi

Reason, Faith, and Purpose: The Ultimate Gamble

Does god exist? The answer to this question affects the lives of believers and nonbelievers alike.

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Energy in the 21st Century, 5th Edition, by John R. Fanchi

Energy in the 21st Century

What kind of energy should shape our future? Will there be enough? What will be the consequences of our decisions?

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Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, Third Edition by John R. Fanchi

Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers

All the basic math that scientists and engineers need to understand advances in modern technology, prepare for professional exams, or simply brush up on skills acquired long ago.

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The Goldilocks Policy - The Basis for a Grand Energy Bargain by John R. Fanchi

The Goldilocks Policy

The case for a grand energy bargain that recognizes the need to protect the environment from the combustion of fossil fuels while protecting the national and global economies during the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy.

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